I AM up to the challenges life throws my way. I AM GRATEFUL for the resilience I have earned through my experiences. My previous struggles have helped make me become stronger and have given me the perspective I need to overcome the new hurdles I face.
I AM beautiful. I AM GRATEFUL for the confidence I feel to say that. I know that it is okay to recognize my beauty - both inside and out, just as easily as I offer this gesture to others. I am worthy of self-love and self-respect.
I AM abundant. I AM GRATEFUL for the rewards I receive for the work I do. I open my heart and my arms to receiving all that the universe showers upon me - as I know that I will be gracious and share with those in need, where I am able.
I AM healthy. I AM GRATEFUL for my good health. I am grateful for my health each and every day as I know that it is the basis for all good things in my life. Protecting and nurturing my physical and mental health is my priority as, without it, I am not able to be present and supportive for the ones I love the most. My mask first!
I AM happy. I AM GRATEFUL for every smile, every laugh, every flower, every hug, any and all things that bring joy to my life. I cannot give what I do not have, so I do my best to fill myself up with happiness each day and share that happiness with as many people as I am able.
With only 1 day left in this challenge, what are you seeing show up in your life? Are you feeling the effects of daily gratitude? Are you making time for gratitude in your daily routine?
I am finding myself falling asleep more easily by focusing on the day's gratitude statements to help quiet my mind and easily release the stresses of the day. I look forward to giving thought to gratitude. I am feeling more joy as I reflect on the all the blessings in my life.
I am grateful for the gifts of gratitude. I am grateful for you all and the love I receive from you. I hope you find gratitude in your day, and find happiness in your heart, today and always.
